KTmfk @ ICED 2023 in Bordeaux

The delegation of the KTmfk at ICED in Bordeaux.

The International Conference of Engineering Design (ICED), the flagship conference of the Design Society, took place this year in Bordeaux with over 600 participants. The Chair of Engineering Design KTmfk was represented with eight exciting presentations on various topics and made a lasting impression. A special highlight was the 2023 DSJ Excellence in Design Science Award for the paper Implementation and Interpretation of A Scrap and Failure Oriented Multi-Objective Optimization Considering Operational Wear by Mr. Christoph Bode. The conference also offered a lot of variety apart from the exciting presentations, discussions and keynotes. The KTmfk thanks for the great organization and is already looking forward to the next ICED, which will take place in 2025 in Dallas.