
Gwen Spelly joined the user-centred design research group as a research assistant at the beginning of September. Previously, she studied medical engineering, specializing in medical device engineering and prosthetics, at Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg. As a student assistant and d...

Category: People

System models are used in the context of model-based systems engineering (MBSE) in order to improve communication and are essential for system documentation. However, scientific approaches in recent years show that the further utilization of these system models is of interest, for example in the for...

Category: Research

Jan Kopatsch joined the Tolerance Management research group as a research assistant at the beginning of July. He previously studied mechanical engineering at Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg. He also wrote his project and master's thesis on the topics of metamodel-based optimization...

Category: Panorama

Mr. Marc Gadinger, a graduate of the Mechanical Engineering program, received the Master’s Award from the Diehl foundation for achieving the highest final grade in his class. His master’s thesis, titled "Adaptive Design of Experiments for Cyclic Characterization of Fibre-Reinforced Plastics," was su...

Category: Awards, People

The seventh "Young Tribological Researcher Symposium", organized by the Young Tribologists Working Group of the „Gesellschaft für Tribologie”, was held on July 22 and 23 at the KTmfk. The two days were filled with diverse and informative presentations on current experimental and numerical research i...

Category: Events

Following numerous successful projects, the KTmfk and the Institute for Machine Components and Methods of Development at TU Graz met in Graz for a joint strategy meeting «Vision MBSE 2050», led by Prof. Dr. Hannes Hick and Prof. Dr. Sandro Wartzack. Topics included the future of model-based systems ...

Category: Panorama

This year's Bearing World Conference took place on June 25-26 in Würzburg, Germany. This time the KTmfk was represented by Mrs. Feile, Mr. Halmos, Dr. Bartz and Prof. Wartzack. In addition to a showcase, where current research work of the KTmfk in the field of rolling bearing technology was presente...

Category: Panorama

Digital transformation is pervasive in our daily lives, evident in new technologies like smart devices or AI chatbots. This digitalization extends to product development to enhance product quality and reduce development time and costs. However, design data is diverse and phase-dependent. This paper ...

Category: Research

Our former PhD student Tim Weikert was honored on 25.07.24 with the Innovation Award of the Schaeffler FAG Foundation for his doctoral thesis entitled "Modifications of amorphous carbon coatings to adapt friction conditions and increase wear protection", which he wrote at the KTmfk - Chair of Design...

Category: Awards, People

The 29th Congress of the European Society for Biomechanics took place in Edinburgh from July 1 to 3. Our institute participatd with 3 employees and senior engineer Dr.-Ing. Jörg Miehling from the User-Centered Product design group. They presented the current research results of the KTmfk in three po...

Category: Events, Research

The Chair of Engineering Design congratulates Mr Benedict Rothammer on successfully passing his doctoral examination with distinction to become a Dr.-Ing. on 27.06.2024. Mr Rothammer presented the contents of his dissertation entitled “amorphous carbon coatings for extending the service life of tota...

Category: People

Kevin Neusser joined the research group for machine elements and tribology as a research assistant at the beginning of July. Previously, he studied medical engineering, specializing in production engineering and prosthetics at the Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg. As a student resea...

Category: People

Jonathan-Markus Einwag joined the Digital Engineering research group as a research assistant at the beginning of April. He previously studied mechanical engineering at Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg. He also wrote his master's thesis on the development of a process simulation chai...

Category: People

This semester, CAD education in programs such as Mechanical Engineering, Industrial Engineering, Mechatronics, Electromobility, and Artificial Intelligence is conducted using the Siemens NX CAD system. Under the direction of the Chair of Engineering Design (Prof. Sandro Wartzack), students acquire C...

Category: Education

This year's NAFEMS D-A-CH conference took place between June 10-12 in Bamberg. Over 100 expert presentations on topics such as FEM, CFD, MKS, SDM etc. were given by industry representatives and universities from all over Europe. In addition, various workshops and discussion rounds were offered, in w...

Category: Research

Due to cost pressure in industrialized countries and the resulting need to automate standard and routine activities, the use of AI methods is also steadily increasing in product development. Such methods are often integrated into the development process as black boxes. As a result of this implementa...

Category: Research

Yannick Utz joined the Digital Engineering department as a research assistant in the middle of may. Prior to that, he studied in the master’s program in mechanical engineering with a focus on manufacturing engineering at the Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg. He also completed his pr...

Category: People

Felix Pfister joined the research group for machine elements and tribology as a research assistant at the beginning of May. Previously, he studied mechanical engineering, specializing in computer-aided product development, at the Friedrich-Alexander University of Erlangen-Nuremberg. As part of his s...

Category: People

Geometric deviations in technical products are unavoidable due to process fluctuations in manufacturing and assembly processes. Geometric deviations also occur in rolling bearings, which can negatively influence the functional properties of a rolling bearing (e.g. friction or acoustics). To date, th...

Category: Research