Leading participation of the KTmfk in the lecture series “(FA)U for Sustainability”

Impressions from the opening event of the lecture series.
Impressions from the opening event of the lecture series.

In times of climate change, education for sustainable development (ESD) plays a central role in student education. We are therefore delighted to be playing a leading role in the new lecture series “(FA)U for Sustainability”. The cross-faculty lecture deals with topics such as health and resource use as well as technical and socio-cultural developments.

The lecture series was opened by Sustainability Officer Prof. Matthias Fifka and Vice President Education Prof. Andrea Bréard. Dr. Marcel Bartz from KTmfk, who will also give a lecture on “Sustainable product development” on 11.07.2024, gave an introduction to the lecture series. The full program of the lecture series can be found on the Green Office website (see link).